
Yeekong Anti Hypertension Tea:100% Blood Pressure Tea

Original price was: ₦18,000.00.Current price is: ₦13,200.00.

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Yeekong anti hypertension tea is a drink used in reducing blood pressure, it is made with natural ingredients like green tea, ginger root and other herbs that have been proven to treat or relieve high blood pressure.
Yeekong anti hypertension tea is suitable for those with conditions like high blood sugar, high amounts of cholesterol, hypertension, weak immune system and strong anger that leads to heart issues.
Hypertension also known as high blood pressure is a fast becoming a common disease among people, it is characterized by the blood pressure getting higher than normal. One thing you should know about hypertension is that it can lead to other chronic conditions like stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, heart attack and other diseases.
There may be other health symptoms that can occur due to hypertension; they include constant headaches, chest pain, dizziness, irregular heart rhythm, ringing in the ears, vision changes, confusion and others.

Why Should You Use Yeekong Anti Hypertension Tea For High Blood Pressure?

There are many medicines that can adjust the blood pressure and balance it, these medications are always prescribed by a doctor. However, there are also natural ways of reducing high blood pressure, these methods have proven to be effective and less costly.
One of the natural way of reducing high blood pressure and its symptoms is by taking tea made from natural ingredients. Yeekong anti hypertension tea is one of the natural remedies for treating hypertension.
Yeekong anti hypertension tea does not only reduce high blood pressure, it balances it and relieve symptoms associated with hypertension like irregular heart rhythm, dizziness, restlessness, and ringing in the ears.
One of the reasons why you should choose Yeekong anti hypertension tea is that it contains natural ingredients that can help you with your blood pressure, cholesterol, fats and lipid in your body.

Health Benefits of Yeekong Anti Hypertension Tea

Yeekong anti hypertension tea has many benefits, which include:
• It reduces dizziness and numbness of the arms in just 7 days of use. Numbness of the body is a symptom of stroke       and high blood pressure can lead to stroke.
• This tea can lower blood pressure consistently in two weeks, the effectiveness does not take time to manifest in the       body.
• It can reduce insomnia which is one of the symptoms of high blood pressure.
• Apart from lowering blood pressure, Yeekong anti hypertension tea can regulate blood pressure in one month.

Ingredients in Yeekong Anti Hypertension Tea

Yeekong anti hypertension tea is made with natural ingredients that are carefully sourced and known to have effects on blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. These ingredients include:

 Cassia Seed

This seed is from a Chinese plant and commonly used in most traditional medicines as it has medical benefits. It is used in treating health conditions related to digestive problems, liver issues, blood circulation, joints, body weight, eyes and even the intestines.
This ingredient in Yeekong anti hypertension tea has many medical benefits. When used as tea, cassia seed can reduce blood pressure and regulate it to avoid hypertension. It can also remove harmful toxins in the digestive system thereby reducing the amount of lipid in the white adipose tissue.
The seed can improve blood flow thereby relieving side effects of poor blood circulation. Cassia seed has retinoic acid that can also treat eye issues. You can see that this ingredient does not only lower hypertension but also treat symptoms of high blood pressure.


Uncaria is a plant commonly found in places like Southeast Asia, Africa and Southeast America. It is used in medicines as parts of this plant has medicinal properties.
Research has shown that more than 200 compounds like indole alkaloids, triterpenes, flavonoids, phenols, phenylpropanoids have been isolated from Uncaria. These compounds have shown efficacy in treating health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, cancer, asthma, rheumatism and other diseases.

 Self Heal

Also known as Prunella vulgaris is common used by herbalists and traditional medicine makers as it has great healing capacity.
When used in tea, this plant can treat fever, headache, fever, weakness of the heart, internal bleeding, and liver issues. Self Heal is very effective in reducing chronic diseases. It is very effective in healing wounds and skin inflammation.


This plant is used as a tea as it contains many medicinal properties like antioxidants that can cleanse out harmful toxins and free radicals from the cells.
According to research, extracting from this plant can help reduce high heart rate however, this study was carried out on animals and test tubes so the effects on humans are yet to be established.
Another study by the Phytotherapy Research in 2011 involved 50 adults with high blood pressure and anxiety who were given motherwort extract for 28 days. The results recorded decrease in blood pressure although the change was too small.


Scutellaria or skullcap has been used in medicine by the Chinese and Native Americans in treating diseases like diarrhea, fever, liver issues and others.
The dried roots of this plant known as Huang-Qin in Asian countries are used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, hypertension, hemorrhaging, insomnia, inflammation and respiratory infections.
This plant can also help relieve anxiety and boost mood, anxiety and bad mood can lead to heart issues and even high blood pressure.

 Green tea

The benefits of green tea cannot be overemphasized, it has been in existence for many years especially in China and India. A study by Jama in 2006 involved over 40,000 Japanese participants between the ages of 40 to 79 who were taking 5 cups of green tea daily for 11 years. The results showed that green tea can reduce death caused by heart diseases and issues.
Several other studies have suggested that polyphenols, the compounds found in green tea can reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, weight and risk of stroke.

How Does Yeekong Anti Hypertension Tea Work?

Yeekong anti hypertension tea works by lowering blood pressure, it does this through the ingredients it is made with. These ingredients opens a channel in the membranes of the smooth muscle cells that line blood vessels while the positively charged ions are released from the cells. This tea also makes the muscles lining the blood vessels to be relaxed always, this causes more blood to flow freely.
The ingredients are also known to treat other health conditions that are associated with high blood pressure. These health conditions include stroke, heart diseases, cholesterol, kidney diseases and others. The symptoms of hypertension like dizziness, irregular heart rhythm, restlessness, ringing in the ears are also treated.

Dosage of Yeekong Anti Hypertension Tea

Yeekong anti hypertension tea comes in a pack with 20 tea bags. To use this product, you have to steep one tea bag with boiling water, allow it to stay for 5 minutes before you drink. You should not add any sugar or milk to the tea, make sure to drink three times daily. A tea bag can last for a day.
You are not to take more than the recommended dosage. Also, Yeekong anti hypertension tea is not to be used by children, pregnant women or nursing mothers.
This tea is made with only natural ingredients so there is no side effects associated with this product. To get the best result, you should use this product till you get the desired result.

Customers Reviews on Yeekong Anti Hypertension Tea

Costumers reviews on how effective Yeekong anti hypertension tea is as they have used it. A costumer said; i tested my blood pressure before I started using this tea and after a few days i saw improvement, as my blood pressure is now balanced.

Another costumer reviewed that Yeekong anti hypertension tea helps maintain his blood pressure. Another review states that her blood pressure stayed in normal range all day.
A costumer said the product is a great tea that helped reduce his high blood pressure. Another costumer reviewed that the product did not only reduced her high blood pressure, but also helped her to loss weight.

Where Can You Buy Yeekong Anti Hypertension Tea?

You can buy the product by ordering from Kindy Stores


Yeekong anti hypertension tea is made with natural ingredients and used in lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. It can also relieve symptoms associated with high blood pressure. You are to take just steep a bag every day and take the tea three times in a day. Stick to the dosage and use the product consistently, you will get the desired results.

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